It's been a long, extended summer and parts of cottage country seem untouched by autumn's fingerpaints - like this path off the road. It used to lead to a swamp and was a favoured spot for frog-catchers in summer and duck hunters in fall. But as you can see by the meadow in the background, consecutive dry summers have evaporated all the water.

The picture below is more reflective of what the countryside looks like now. It will become even more colourful in the next week or so.
About a mile from our cottage is a lovely little lake from which we've plucked many a brook trout over the years. The path shown below, carved out by anglers, canoeists and campers, leads to it.
The next two shots are proof I wasn't lying about the "lovely" part.
After a long day's hike...well...after a long, nearly-an-hour's hike, it feels good to take a load off the old pins.
Now there's a novel shoeshine.
Some of you are itching to know how the fishing was. Well, when you have to resort to using a gaff in order to successfully land a largemouth bass, you know darn well you've got yourself a beauty!
Or maybe you just learn about the importance of perspective....
Sometimes I didn't know whether to focus on the reality or the reflection - so usually I opted for both. This, by the way, is our cottage's "front lawn." Some folks opt for clearing the brush and seeding grass. We're from the landscaping-by-Mother-Nature school of cottaging.
As evening draws down, it's time to start thinking about making a fire, sitting back, and sipping something smooth.

It just doesn't get any better than this folks. Glad you could join me.
Over at Hilary's blog, The Smitten Image, you can read her take on how the fishing went and see more fine pics.
Absolutely gorgeous, Frank. It's the type of place I'd sometimes like to slip away to permanently.
A beautiful addition to my anxiety about our annual trip to our lake, Lake New Germany, MD, from 10/12 through 10/15. I mention the dates because we ended up with two cabins, eight beds and two people. Care to join us. Anyone. The leaves will be turning, the lake will too, and the brook trout in the stream should be as hungry as the otters on the lake.
I'm looking forward to imposing, er, sharing the story with you when we get back.
Beautiful. Wish I as there.
Lori, you n' me both. A sizeable chunk of my soul stays there when the rest of me comes home.
Bruce, don't be surprised if someone takes you up on that offer. Looking forward to your story.
Thanks Travis. I think that fish of yours is a little bigger than the one in my pic....
Great pics-- I'm so jealous! We never get trees that color here in Houston!
Beautiful indeed Eras.. err... Frank. Years of onlytrivia is hard to reverse! Particularly since I've been stuck (OK, not stuck and not against my will) in the concrete jungle that is London for the last two years, the idea of a relaxing summer day in the forest by a lake is pretty enticing! Sometimes living in a city like London, its easy to forget that the rest of the world exists outside its borders!
Hmmmmmmmm ..... me tinks mebbeso you have confused the shoeshine chair and the bass!! .. ya reckon?
Great pics ===> Gary (Bu||s)
Great pics, brother!! I will be enjoying this "Eden" starting tomorrow. I'll try to best that largemouth!
Glad you enjoyed bunnygirl. Come on up and visit sometime so you can see it for yourself. :)
Dave, er...Ubi, I spent a few days in London long ago and know what a marvellous city it is. But I'd be climbing the walls if I couldn't get away to "God's Country" semi-regularly. (Scotland would work....)
Thanks Gary. Hope the fishing's better your way. :)
Enjoy bro. But rotsa ruck trying to best that bass. ;)
Love the pics. Almost makes me feel like I was there!
beautiful pictures Frank.
O.M.G. The World's Biggest Deck Chair.
Charlie paid you to post that, didn't he?
Those are some beautiful photos! Except the ones with you in them. And the fish, we're not all so keen on fish you know! But the area is very picturesque.
A cornucopia of color and contentment, I must say! Love the "foot and rod" photo especially---I can see it as a book cover:)
Hilary, I can almost believe you were! :)
Thank you Nita. :)
Dawno, nope. Can't blame that one on Charlie. ;)
Stace, not so keen on fish?!! I must say I am more surprised than pleased! However, I'll forgive you because you're young. And darn cute. ;)
Thanks Magnoliagirl. That's a nice compliment from someone with a keen photographer's eye. :)
Erasank (or is it Fraser? Thats a bit more aesthetic..), God's Country eh? I did spend some time in Snowdonia, Wales a couple of weekends ago, and I have to say the UK does have some amazing landscapes ( ), but nothing beats the expanses of countries like the US, Canada and Australia for tranquility!
Gorgeous pictures. Great fish.
One can hear the silence, Frank, so beautiful...
Incredible photos. I like the cottage front lawn! Does it ever feel lonely?
Great pics Dave and at the risk of sounding like a "homer" I have to agree: the wilderness areas of the new world are breathtaking.
Thanks Jessie. That fish will be a tad more impressive in a few years. ;)
Thanks Bernita. That silence of which you speak is certainly an integral part of the allure.
Lois, it never does to me. There are people in the area (if you wish to seek them out) and civilization, in the form of a village, is only a 25-minute drive away.
Very nice, Frank. Can't add any more to what everyone else has said except. . . WOW!
P.S. The whopper reminds me of a fish I caught in Lake Whachamacallit. I was fishin' next to an old sunken car (structure?). The fish I caught was also a whopper! He fought like the dickens and I would have landed him too, but he swum inside that ol' wrecked car. . . an' rolled the window up! :_) I know, an old one but a good one!
Fantastic photos...It easy to take for granted the great outdoors...I look at some of the shots and I can day dream about being outside and not at my desk...Thanks.
I like that story Jerry, and it's new to me. Thanks. :)
Glad you enjoyed Doug. (If you play hooky for a day, I won't tell.)
Gorgeous, gorgeous, Frank! Reminds me a bit of our family cabin retreat out in East Texas. Thanks for letting me retreat vicariously with those pictures! pb10220
Beautiful pictures, Frank! The fall leaves are so pretty. And those fish! Good job. I love seeing and reading about all the beautiful places you visit. Thank you for sharing.
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